Rebecca Austin, Ph.D. Professor of Anthropology and Environmental Studies Area of Expertise: Environmental anthropology Contact: 970-247-7346 Email Rebecca Austin, Ph.D. VIEW BIO ❯❯
Aaron Ball Senior Lecturer, Adventure Education Area of Expertise: Swiftwater rescue Contact: 970-247-7585 Email Aaron Ball VIEW BIO ❯❯
Jared Beeton, Ph.D. Chair and Associate Professor of Environment & Sustainability Area of Expertise: Environmental geography & climate change Contact: 970-247-6774 Email Jared Beeton, Ph.D. VIEW BIO ❯❯
Keri Brandt Off, Ph.D. Chair and Professor of Sociology and Gender & Sexuality Studies Area of Expertise: Human, animal, landscape intersection Contact: 970-247-7343 Email Keri Brandt Off, Ph.D. VIEW BIO ❯❯
Elizabeth Cartier, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Management Area of Expertise: Management and tourism impacts Contact: 970-247-7622 Email Elizabeth Cartier, Ph.D. VIEW BIO ❯❯